ATAS MetStar 10.3 is now released
The new ATAS MetStar version 10.3 is out now.
One of the latest news in ATAS MetStar version 10.3 is Reaching eutectic morphology in ductile iron production with different thermal modulus (ACEL vs. Modulus).
In this new version we have also added the following:
– ACELand CTL adjustment for High-Si alloys
– Simplification of ATAS MetStar (Create alloys from templates)
– Import/export possibility on material, rules, user values, alloys and MQ-definitions
– Smart help in user defined equation module
– Process tracker improvements
– Database connectivity improvements
– Improved pearlite functionality
Enjoy ATAS MetStar 10.3 and contact our metallurgy department if you would like to get more information about the new version.
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