A corona update from Martin
We have now lived with COVID-19 for a couple of months and the whole NovaCast team is healthy and more accessible than ever. Although, we are still acting under recommended precautions by the national authorities.
Still, we are working from home, not traveling, and not having any physical meetings. We have several online alternatives that we have gotten pretty good at using when in contact with users and partners. In the middle of May we had an online meeting with our global partners and last week, we have had online user meetings (read more here). We are also continuously providing online training and support for our customers believing we are doing everything we can to keep business as usual.
During the last couple of weeks, we have released a new ATAS MetStar version and a NovaFlow&Solid update. This means that we are available and work constantly to improve our service, support our customers and to develop our products.
The world is more and more opening up for business, production and social life. We are very happy to see this happening and hope that it will be sustainable. NovaCast is monitoring the situation closely and we follow our government and authority’s recommendations. We hope to be back in the office soon and meet you in a near future.
Take care and live healthy and do not hesitate to contact us at info@novacast.se.
Best regards,